Cultivate the mind and support Geðhjálp – if you wish

Buy vitamin G drops

This winter, Geðhjálp, the Icelandic Mental Health Alliance, offers daily doses of small, straightforward tips intended to improve mental health. We call those tips “vitamin G”.

We all know that it is healthy to exercise and take our vitamins daily. But sometimes we forget to nurture and protect our mental health. That is why we recommend a daily dose of vitamin G, especially during the darkest winter months. This year, Geðhjálp also offers special G vitamin drops, which are to be used alongside daily habits to boost mental health. The drops are produced in collaboration with Angan, where the focus is on clean and sustainable products.

The vitamin G drops cost ISK 4,500 but the drops can be obtained from Geðhjálp by calling 570 1700 or at

Those who wish to support Geðhjálp can donate an amount of their choice to bank account 0516-26-2648, kennitala 531180-0469. All proceeds of the G vitamin drops will go to Styrktarsjóður geðheilbrigðis, a mental health sponsorship fund which is meant to promote progress in mental health, by offering grants to projects which can improve the mental health of Icelanders and a greater understanding of the field.

Lucky owners of G vitamin drops will also receive an extra G vitamin, but among the winnings are a painting by Prins Póló and a gift card from Play, to name a few.

The vitamin G will be available in Icelandic, English and Polish. We will also distribute 29 videos which will go over the daily G vitamin tips in more detail.

Vitamin G is based on the Ten Commandments of Mental Health and the 14 Words of Life by Héðinn Unnsteinsson and Þórdís Rúnarsdóttir. See further details at and 

Daily dose of vitamin G advice by e-mail

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G vítamín