Cultivate the mind and support Geðhjálp
This winter, Geðhjálp, the Icelandic Mental Health Alliance, offers daily doses of small, straightforward tips intended to improve mental health. We call those tips “vitamin G”.
Try something new
We grow, strengthen, and improve the most in new circumstances, but these circumstances don’t have to be exotic or complex to be fruitful. It’s enough to decide to taste new food, read something outside your area of interest or meet people that you don’t think you are compatible with. Say yes to a strange suggestion, take a risk, try something new – it’s safe for you to go beyond your comfort zone and experience something unexpected.
30. janúar, 2025
“vitamin G” tips
Vitamin G is based on the Ten Commandments of Mental Health and the 14 Words of Life by Héðinn Unnsteinsson and Þórdís Rúnarsdóttir. See further details at and