Experience nature
Icelanders live in close contact with nature. Nature is a healing force. It brings us calm, strength, power, peace, harmony, variability and balance. For us Icelanders, nature is constantly present wherever we live. Find your places, both those that are nearby and those that require longer journeys. If you don’t have the chance to go out into nature as regularly as you would like, try to find it at home (movies, music, the view from the living room…). Enjoy each season. Make peace with winter; the snow, darkness, rain and ice.

We all have to nurture and protect our mental health. Just as with physical health, where everyone is advised to take their daily vitamins, many small things add up to make a big difference in mental health.
This winter, Geðhjálp, the Icelandic Mental Health Alliance, therefore, offers doses of “vitamin G”: small, straightforward tips intended to improve mental health.
A calendar with “vitamin G” will be for sale, and lucky calendar owners will win amazing mental health improving prizes.
All proceeds of the calendar will go to Styrktarsjóður geðheilbrigðis, a mental health sponsorship fund which is meant to promote progress in mental health, by offering grants to projects which can improve the mental health of Icelanders and a greater understanding of the field.
The goal is to strengthen the mental health of Icelanders while preventing setbacks and protecting us in adversity. With daily intake of this “vitamin G”, we develop stronger immunity because these simple tips are protective elements for mental health.
The calendar is available in selected Krónan stores nationwide
Each day of the calendar contains one dose and daily advice can be found on gvitamin.is, Facebook, and Instagram.
Vitamin G is based on the Ten Commandments of Mental Health and the 14 Words of Life by Héðinn Unnsteinsson and Þórdís Rúnarsdóttir. See further details at landlaeknir.is and hedinn.org/lifsordin14