Cultivate the mind and support Geðhjálp

This winter, Geðhjálp, the Icelandic Mental Health Alliance, offers daily doses of small, straightforward tips intended to improve mental health. We call those tips “vitamin G”.

  • Think positively; it’s easier

    Positivity is the basis of well-being because without positive thoughts, well-being is minimal. It can be argued that positivity is the key to success and a happy life. Your mindset can influence the way you feel. If we make a habit of thinking positively, our communications with others will improve. Positive thinking and a positive attitude shape all our communications and their outcome. Positive thinking is very important for the whole. Positivity is a courageous decision that is of course not always possible, but the effort brings hope and hope makes all communities tick.

    24. janúar, 2025

G vitamin fragrance drops

This year, Geðhjálp also offers special G vitamin fragrance drops, which are to be used alongside daily habits to boost mental health. The drops come with instructions for their use along with a QR code which sends the user to the daily vitamin G advice.

“vitamin G” tips

Vitamin G is based on the Ten Commandments of Mental Health and the 14 Words of Life by Héðinn Unnsteinsson and Þórdís Rúnarsdóttir. See further details at and

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